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TF Dental Prosthetics Limited

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Category: Health & Beauty
Business Name:TF Dental Prosthetics Limited
Description:To offer ONE HOUR DENTURE REPAIRS and advice direct to the public.

To offer the highest quality of products and the full range of laboratory services, dentures, mouthguards, orthodontics, chromes, tooth coloured clasp and flexible dentures direct to dentists.

To improve the clinician/technician communication and teamwork within the whole dental team.

To give the patient the confidence and feel that they are not wearing dentures.

To give patients something to smile about while being able to eat and socialise with confidence.

You know how you want your teeth to look; you have an ideal image in your mind. During the consultation, we pay attention to what you say, and take this into account when we make your dentures. We explain the suitability of the materials, show you the makes of teeth, and if there are technical problems we will explain them with you. If you have none of your own teeth or implants present you can see a Clinical Dental Technician directly. If you have even 1 tooth present you must see a dentist first and be referred.

Consultations can be arranged directly or by referral from your dentist if required.

Contact Name:Tim Foster
Telephone:01702 393303
Mobile:07770 622848
Fax:01702 213444
Address:53 Hildaville Drive,
SS0 9RU.

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