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T J B Consulting

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Category: Business Services
Business Name:T J B Consulting
Description:Business Planning and Consultations for Continued Expansion.

T J B Consulting was founded to offer a complete one-stop-shop for businesses that had the desire to grow rather than stand still. In these uncertain times knowing where you want your business to go is not the same as getting there, with our help and guidance and working side by side your business will reach your goals.

Terry Barnes Managing Consultant of T J B Consulting has over 25 years experience at a senior level in both business and private banking along with software sales, business studies lecturing, retail management and running his own highly successful business. Over the years he has worked with a vast and diverse range of businesses from start up situations to well established corporate clients to provide targeted specific strategies for them to achieve and exceeds their aims.

Our other consultants and business partners cover recruitment, training, coaching, website design, will trusts and estate planning, operational management, general insurance, accounting, life coaching, graphic design and marketing, distribution networks and lending preparation. These specialists will be introduced to your business at the appropriate time to make sure that you minimise costs and maximise profitability and sales.

The relationship of any business partner to T J B Consulting will be fully explained to you before any introduction and we will manage the initial contact fully.

T J B Consulting has one goal and that is to make sure you achieve yours. Whether you require a simple business plan a complete business review or something in between, we can accommodate your requirements. All the consultants and business partners associated with and working for T J B Consulting have vast experience in their specialist areas so you can be assured that you are getting professional advice at exactly the right time.

Get in touch and let us help you move your business to the next level.

Terry Barnes

Managing Consultant.

Contact Name:Terry Barnes
Mobile:07402 783332
CM1 3EW.

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