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Dial a Dog Wash

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Category: Pets / Animals
Business Name:Dial a Dog Wash
Description:Welcome to Dial a Dog Wash, the UK's largest and most successful mobile dog grooming company which has grown over the past 10 years to be responsible for grooming over 200,000 dogs a year with its nationwide service.

Great Features and real benefits:

•Convenience because we come to you.
•With rising fuel costs no more costly visits to the static grooming sites.
•All grooming is carried out at your door in one of our specially converted mobile grooming parlours.
•Your dog will be groomed on a one to one basis and not surrounded by other dogs which will create less stress and anxiety for your beloved pet.
•All dogs are hand dried and not cage dried.
•If you wish you can be with your dog during the grooming process.
•All the products used are natural and contain essential oils.

Essentially Dial A Dog Wash provides all of the services that you would expect from a traditional grooming service with far more convenience, together with a host of additional benefits.

Your Dog Deserves It !
Contact Name:Heather
Telephone:01268 768228
Mobile:07772 171331

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