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The Mosaic Studio

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Category: Hobbies & Pastimes
Business Name:The Mosaic Studio
Description:Paul Siggins is a renowned British mosaic artist and award-winning designer based in Essex, UK.​

His works have been commissioned, sold and exhibited in the UK and internationally. Commissions include major public & commercial works and bespoke mosaic works & collections for major retail stores, hotels, bars, leisure facilities, councils and tube stations.

The Studio

Established over 20 years, The Mosaic Studio’s retail premises and design studio are now situated in the cultural heart of Leigh on Sea, Essex; home to an impressive artistic community - a delightful coastal resort less than an hour from London. From here we house mosaic artworks and designer collections for residential and commercial interiors and create bespoke mosaics, ready for siting UK-wide or internationally.

Our Service

We have expertise of the highest level and are consulted by architects and designers for technical advice and specifications. We design, create and install mosaics for public spaces, shopping centres, retail stores and swimming pools. For interiors and the home we design and create hand-crafted mosaics - curved, shaped, sculptural or architectural, offering beautiful surface decoration that is both unique and individual.

Contact Name:Fiona & Paul Siggins
Telephone:01702 712111
Mobile:07940 542457
Address:805 London Road,
SS0 9SY.

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