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Hadleigh Hats Shoes & Bags

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Category: Shopping
Business Name:Hadleigh Hats Shoes & Bags
Description:Whether you are the proud mother of the bride, groom, or just looking for a unique hat and fascinator to wear to that special occasion we have everything you need.

Not only do we have a wide selection of beautiful colours that will match any dress, we also have sets – which takes the stress out of having to shop around for matching accessories.

We have a wide range of classic hats that we can trim in our shop, or we can design something just for you.

How To Buy Our Hats

You can purchase orders online, on the phone, or come to our shop. Coming to our shop allows you to see the detail that is put into each hat and fascinator.

Either match bags, shoes and jewellery, or go directly to our sets. Some hats are for hire, whilst others can be bought. If they have no price tag next to the picture, then it is waiting to be returned from a previous hire.

Are You A Bride?

If you are a bride looking for that all important fascinator to go with your wedding dress, then please go to wedding nites.

If you have any questions, or what any more information then please get in touch:

01702 559244

Telephone:01702 559244
Address:346 London Road,
SS7 2DD.

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