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Nairnsey Fisher & Lewis

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Category: Legal
Business Name:Nairnsey Fisher & Lewis
Description:Property Lawyers • Commissioners for Oaths • Licensed Conveyancers

Nairnsey Fisher & Lewis is a leading Legal Practice based in the South East. Established for over 50 years, we have decades of experience and pride ourselves on our dedication to every client and transaction. We offer a professional, efficient and reliable service, tailored specifically to you and your requirements. We have a specialist team who will provide you with the advice you need to fully understand the legal process and make informed decisions about your transaction.


Our residential services are built on efficiency, knowledge and communication with our clients. We understand the pressures of buying and selling property and strive to make the process as simple and transparent as possible.


We offer a range of commerical property services and support. Our team of property law specialists will guide you through your transaction to ensure that your objectives, as well as your timescales, are fully met.


Whether you are a residential or commercial client we understand the importance of excellent customer service. We will ensure that your matter proceeds as smoothly as possible, keeping you informed with regular updates.

Offices in Benfleet, Rochford and Brentwood.
Opening Times: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Name:Cassie A Davies - Executive Conveyancer
Telephone:01268 566655
Email: Email:
Fax:01268 565059
Address:109 London Road,
SS7 5UH.

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