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The Sales Mentor

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Category: Business Services
Business Name:The Sales Mentor
Description:Sales is the lifeblood of every business, not just manufacturing or retailing, but every business including accountancy, legal, support services to name a few.

Not every business has a dedicated sales team to undertake the of development new orders for your business, this task often falls to the director/owner who is often an expert in their product area but has no experience in selling.

Ask yourself these questions:

Am I exploiting all, of my product potential?

Am I missing sectors of the market?

Could I expand my sales with the current product range?

The answers in order, are probably No, Yes & Yes

This is where the Sales Mentor is here to help you in this area of your business.

As an independent source we will look at your sales activities and develop, agree and instigate a sales development plan.

Not just the front line sales but the whole of your activities, including customer support, sales forecasts, market research, publicity, website, to name a few.

To get started we offer a complementary review of your business.

From that, an action plan can be agreed with areas that need developing.

There may be other areas in your business that also needs assistance and through a nationwide and beyond network of advisors we can find the specialists you need to work with you.

Contact Name:Michael Vaughan
Telephone:01268 794461
Mobile:07746 175034

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